Saturday, May 01, 2010

Flickr will delete your images "If your free account is inactive for 90 consecutive days"

What is it with Yahoo and Flickr? Here is what they have posted at their website: "Note: If your free account is inactive for 90 consecutive days, it will be deleted." It seems that Yahoo is holding your images hostage, pay up or your life's work will be deleted. I have had a paid account for two years, but I was wondering today what is going to happen when I die, what will happen to my images? Yahoo doesn't have a good history of being a good steward for the digital age. They deleted all the images at Yahoo Photos. They deleted all the images and personal information in their first iteration of Yahoo Profiles when they ... See Moreforced people to migrate to Yahoo 360. Yahoo 360 was to be more like Facebook, and that closed and the information deleted. They also deleted all the images and information stored in Geocities when they bought that and later closed it. You can buy a terabyte of magnetic storage for less than $50. If Yahoo can't get a return on their investment, maybe it is better that they just wither up and die as an Internet company.